Press Release
Aumssa presents 13,800 Hamsa NFTs, a Modern Reinterpretation of the Ancient Symbol

Aumssa, which builds a metaverse-based healing community by reinterpreting ancient energy, presents a non-fungible token (NFT) that is a modern interpretation of the ancient symbol ‘Hamsa’, which means to prevent bad luck and inspire good energy.
The mysterious hand-shaped hamsa, first discovered in an Israeli tomb (Khirbet el-Qom) in the 8th century BC, is a symbol of protection and good fortune that has been loved around the world for a long time. Hamsa’s hand is symmetrically in the center of the eye, which is believed to contain special energy from ancient times. Some Hollywood celebrities has Hamsa tattoo as a symbol of protection and good luck. In the Middle East, it is painted on the walls of every hospital, and anyone using an iPhone can find Hamsa emoticon in the default emoticons.
Artist ‘Kangto’, Chief Artist of Aumssa, divided Hamsa into 6 parts and reinterpreted it in a modern way. Each part contains the energy to protect the owner, the energy to strengthen the body and mind, and the energy to call for help from the surroundings. Aumssa said, “Just owning a Hamsa will protect you from bad luck and give positive energy to modern people who have a lot of stress in their busy lives.” Details of the parts can be found on the website (
The number of issued Hamsa NFTs is 13,800, which is inspired by the age of the universe, 13.8 billion years. Minting (official sale) schedule will be issued at a fixed price of 0.08 Ethereum (ETH) on the website for 4 days from GMT 1PM on August 22, 2022. Holders who succeeded in minting can check the Hamsa NFT they purchased at Opensea, the world’s largest NFT exchange.
Aumssa elaborated the roadmap for Hamsa NFT. Limited edition airdrop (special gift) for NFT holders (owners) △ Building a ‘Sanctum’, a membership-only healing space in the metaverse where you can communicate with healers and receive comfort △ Hamsa limited edition goods △3D edition Hamsa △ Activating networking among participants through regular events for NFT holders, etc., Aumssa is preparing to build a community where individuals can relax and heal their grievances. Hamsa NFT’s various roadmaps can be found on its website (
“The Hamsa NFT was first discovered in the 8th century BC and has been used as a symbol of protection and good fortune around the world,” said Aumssa. We will continue to build a healing community of people with the same interests in Metaverse based on symbols, marks and signs in various myths.”
About Aumssa
Aumssa is a company that develops blockchain-based NFTs, mobile apps, and various contents in the metaverse space, which is a modern reinterpretation of symbolic symbols and signs containing energy handed down from ancient times and issues them as NFTs and builds a community.
Source: Aummsa Official Website
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KJ Lee, Founder

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